(Transcription of original interview by Gema Castellano for Informativos.net, in December 2018. Translation: Amelia Burke —Fabricants de Futur— and Steven Johnson.) Gema Castellano: Antonio Turiel, researcher at CSIC. We’ve discussed energy two or three times. And now we’re going to discuss diesel. It’s surprising – at least it surprises me very
Leer(Transcription of original interview by Gema Castellano for Informativos.net, in December 2018. Translation: Amelia Burke —Fabricants de Futur— and Steven Johnson.) Gema Castellano: Antonio Turiel, researcher at CSIC. We’ve discussed energy two or
[Luis González Reyes] Contemplating a diminutive virus from the heights of anthropocentrism, the west, neoliberalism and globalization: maybe we could learn something from it.
[Pedro Prieto]I would suggest that they analyse why conventeaiser to extract) is falling irremediably. Perhapwill arrive, and finally, that of all liquid fuels.