The most comprehensive statement available on what degrowth might look like at the UK.
LeerThe most comprehensive statement available on what degrowth might look like at the UK.
Foreword and opening chapter from the book on this art & activism experience, walking from Granada to Helsinki to help spread the word about Extinction Rebellion.
[Jorge Riechmann] Merely adding (electricity generation capacity with renewables) is not making any transition. It is also necessary to relinquish, to do without, to know how to let go.
Alberto Garzón: "The main virtue of degrowth is to state that the objective is to scale down in an organized, planned manner, compatible with democratic principles and values, and not through a
[Red de Futuros Indígenas] Facing a climate crisis that threatens our future on the planet, that puts our lives and territories at risk, representatives from more than 20 Indigenous peoples are