Legal terms

Articles and other content

Those who would like to contribute by sending us articles, photographs, illustrations and other material for publication in the webzine site are welcome to do so via our contact e-mail address. It’s important that the message’s subject includes the title of the article, and not just something generic like “Article” or “Proposal”.

The co-ordinator, the Editorial Board and the Governing Assembly reserve the right to select from the material received, that which fits with the magazine’s criterea and which, in their opinion, is of sufficient interest and quality.

Those who would like to be published in 15/15\15 should bear in mind that:

  • Material is published under the general license of the magazine (CC-BY-SA), unless the author of the piece expressly indicates another type of license.
  • For every contribution selected for publication, its author will receive a determined amount of revos, which will be allotted to their account.
  • The personal data of the author will be used to create a user account in the blog, if they do not have one, and to maintain communication with him/her and to manage their revo account. The magazine’s general policy on personal data will be applied to the aforementioned personal data. This policy is set out below.
  • Material may be selected to form part of the subsequent printed compilations which the magazine will set out to edit.
  • Es imprescindible acompañar la propuesta de artículo con una foto de la persona autora y una breve biografía, de extensión similar a las que se pueden ver en otros artículos de la revista.
  • Si el artículo trata sobre un tema de actualidad o debe ser publicado antes de una determinada fecha, debe indicarse expresamente en el momento de su envío.
  • Una vez que el artículo es aceptado para publicación, si por algún motivo la persona autora decide publicarlo en otro lugar, debe avisar a la mayor brevedad posible a la revista de esta circunstancia. Esto se hace extensible a los artículos que estén pendientes de aceptación.

Consejos de estilo

Aunque la revista da bastante libertad a las autoras y autores en cuanto a extensión y formatos, sí que pedimos seguir algunas pautas para facilitarnos el trabajo de publicación:

  • No se admiten negritas dentro del texto: el énfasis, en caso de haberlo, se debe marcar con cursiva. Las cursivas se utilizarán también para los extranjerismos.
  • El texto entrecomillado se reserva para las citas literales. Se usarán comillas altas (inglesas).
  • Existe libertad en cuanto al formato de la bibliografía, pero se ruega coherencia y que las referencias bibliográficas estén lo más completas posibles.
  • Se pueden incluir notas al pie, pero si son tan sólo para enlazar con una URL, la nota la convertiremos en un enlace a la hora de trasladarlo a la versión online. Las notas deben venir numeradas en cifras arábigas, no romanas.
  • Si se aportan imágenes dentro del texto o como ilustración de cabecera, deberán ser de libre uso, o con licencia Creative Commons compatible con la licencia de 15/15\15 o en caso de tener copyright, se debe acompañar con el permiso escrito de quien posea el derecho de reproducción, e indicarlo en el artículo. Las imágenes deberán constar con su autoría y fuente correspondiente, en cualquiera de los casos.
  • Se deben evitar los textos escritos en mayúsculas, por ejemplo en el título.
  • El formato del archivo remitido podrá ser ODT, RTF o Microsoft Word.

Personal data policy

In all cases, the patrons, the authors of the material we publish, those persons who participate through their commentary in the webzine and those persons who suscribe to the printed version, expressly give their consent to the archiving and computerized processing of their data by the Touda association, the publisher in charge of the magazine 15/15\15, with the head office in Portugalete (Bizkaia), CIF G95663597 and registered in the National Registry of Associations with the n° 599096. Their data will be incorporated into a secure archive of the said association and registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency with the registration code 2150481008.

The object of these records is to manage the relationship with the said persons with regard to the magazine itself and in no case will the personal data be given to third parties or bodies, except in the case of there being a legal obligation to do so. Touda holds the said data with the object of keeping the said persons informed about the magazine’s activities and related topics.

All persons whose personal data may be given to us and incorporated into the said records have the right to know if they are handled by Touda, to have access to them, to rectify or cancel them, by sending an e-mail message from the same address that they used to provide us with that data.

The data provided will be kept while the relationship between the persons and the magazine is upheld, or during the number of years necessary to comply with legal obligations.

Collection of data in commentaries

When visitors leave comments in the webpage, we compile the data which is shown in the commentary forms, such as the IP address and the agent programme (browser) chain of the user in order to help detect spam.

An anonymous chain (hash) created from the e-mail address of the person who comments may be given to the Gravatar service in order to demonstrate whether they are using it. The privacy policy of the Gravatar service is available at After a comment is approved, the image of the Gravatar profile —in the case that it exists— will be visible to the public in the context of the comment.

Rules regarding commentary

Comments send by visitors to the various articles and pages of the webzine must first go through a review before appearing in public.

In order to be published they must comply with the following rules:

  • To be pertinent to the subject discussed on the page or in the article to which it is sent.
  • Not contain insults or offensive remarks.
  • Not contain false information.
  • Not promote or consist of any crime according to Spanish legisislation.
  • To conform to a basic netiquette.

In any given case, the persons who are given the responsibility of reviewing by the magazine’s directors, reserve the right to interpret the said rules under the supervision of the Governing Assembly of the magazine.

Rules regarding Telegram group

The same rules regarding commentaries will be applied to discussion grupo at Telegram instant messaging platform, but for the moderation issue, which will be done after publishing, not before.

If moderators consider that a message is not following the rules, they could remove it, or even, if breaking of the rules continues, that person could be banned. Anyone banned can ask for the revision of his/her case at the Governing Assembly of the magazine.

Voting/evaluation of articles

The various posts of the webzine will only be voted for by those persons registered as users. The said votes will be used as criterea —not exclusive— to select those posts which may form part of the printed compilations.


These rules are the current but provisional version which govern in this webzine. The Governing Assembly of the magazine may modify them at any time and without prior warning. For this reason it is advisable to consult them frequently in order to be up to date with any possible changes.

Warning about cookies

Those people who leave comments on the webpage can choose whether to save their name, e-mail address and their web address in the form of cookies. The object of this option is ease of use so that you do not have to fill in your details every time you leave a new comment. These cookies will last for one year, and then they will be destroyed.

Those people who have an account and connect to the webpage (log in), will receive a temporary cookie in order to determine if their search engine is configured to accept cookies or not. This cookie does not contain personal data and is eliminated when the search engine is closed.

On starting a session, the webpage will install various cookies in order to save the information about the start of the session and the screen viewing options. The cookies at the start of the session have a life of two days, and the screen option cookies have a life of one year. The users who select Remember me at the start of their session will be remembered for two weeks. On leaving the account (log off), the cookies at the start of the session are eliminated.

Warning over embedded content

The articles on this website may include embedded content (for example, videos, images, banners, widgets, tweets, etc.). The embedded content of other websites behaves as if our visitor had made a visit to this other website.

These websites may compile data about our visitors, use their own cookies, embed an additional following of third parties, and supervise their interaction with this embedded content.

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