Maia Koenig
Maia Koenig

The p(r)o(bl)em of decarbonizing without decolonizing


In aliis linguis

I ask my financial advisor:

how am I going to keep traveling

if the planet is on fire

but what satisfies me are the tropical destinations?

You are going to invest in mangroves —

says the man at the bank.

How much is a kilo of blue carbon?

That is the latest fashion.

I am going to rent those wetlands,

You lend me your waves and your algae.

I will buy your present

to try to save my future.

My credits are your oxygen and my electric car

runs on abyssal lives.

All that is more mine than it is yours, you know,

because my pale skin is worth

more than your swarth.

Don’t fish out of the marshes;

they are now my bare property.

You will starve to death,

at least as long as I live.

Somewhere I have to bury
my excesses and my guilt,
and I’ve chosen your house.
Don’t be ungrateful.

Maia Koenig
Maia Koenig
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Marine scientist and environmental advocate with a commitment to the oceans and the people who depend on them. He works to protect marine systems from climate change and overfishing, while also exploring his passion for environmental justice and human experience through writing. You might also find him running, reading or walking through the parks of Madrid, seeking daily inspiration from the world around him.

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